News and regular
updates can be found
on our facebook page

Why we got together

The Parent Network is a free membership organisation set up with parents for parents. The network was formed in 2000 as a result of a consultation carried out by the Caerphilly Children and Families Services Network. Parents, Grandparents, and Carers from across the borough were encouraged to become involved and share their ideas. It became clear from the these discussions that parents were very interested in talking about support for families, particularly the support they would like to have in the future. Parents said that they wanted more specific information about the services available to them. It was out of this piece of work that the Parent Network was born.

The Network today
The Network provides ways to bring parents together and involve them in giving their views and influence services for children and families across the borough.

On this website you will find information on how you can get involved. As a member of the Parent Network you will receive a bi-annual newsletter and invitations to participate in twice yearly conferences called PlaNet Events. These are free events which include lunch, crèche and in many cases free transport can be provided to and from the venue.

We also hold forums in a range of venues across the borough, details of these meetings can be found under the forum tab. The forums are a way of meeting other parents sharing your ideas and getting information. The forum also allow us to offer training and workshops to parents such as child protection training and internet safety workshops, but there are other opportunities such as relaxation and pamper sessions, nail art, model making art and craft sessions the list is endless and is guided by the parents in the groups so join in and let us know what you want.

Sometimes we ask parents to come together to form focus groups these discuss a particular subject over 2 or 3 meetings such as ‘play opportunities’. The information from these focus meetings is then used to shape a strategy or an organisations action plan.

Future work
The Network is planning to host family fundays which will be, open to all our members and will be attended by orgnisations delivering services to families in Caerphilly.

We may also contact you about other opportunities so watch this space for new developments.

We welcome your ideas!

Tell us what you think

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